斯洛文尼亞 口畫家
自1971年5月17日出生於盧布爾雅那.Silvo Mehle自1992年以來一直是四肢癱瘓。在一次交通事故中,他骨折並使第三和第四頸椎骨折,導致肢體癱瘓。
Born on 17 May 1971 in Ljubljana.Silvo Mehle has been a tetraplegic since 1992.
In a traffic accident he fractured and luxated the third and fourth cervical vertebrae, resulting in paralysis of his limbs.Guided by our associate member, Mr. Vojko Gasperut, he began to paint with the mouth (December 2001).
He liked it very much and wants to further develop his artistic skills.