澳洲 口畫家
John Smith完成高中學業後,因為對動物的熱愛而投身祖父的牧場工作,1971年一次墜馬意外,他的四肢癱瘓,在之後兩年住在醫院的時間,他開始上課學習用口繪畫,1976年被口足畫會認可而加入組織。
After elementary and high school in his home town, John Smith who loved the animals on his grandfathers cattle farm decided to work there.
He dedicated himself to cattle breeding and took over a cattle farm. In 1971, he had a horse riding accident. He suffered a cervical spine trauma which left his arms and legs completely paralysed. After two years in hospital, John Smith started to paint with his mouth and took private lessons. As early as 1976, he was granted a stipend by the association.
John Smith likes being outside. It is therefore not surprising that animals and Australian rural scenes are the favourite motifs for his paintings. He prefers the Australian outback and the Great Barrier Reef.
He has presented his paintings at worldwide exhibitions. Furthermore, John Smith is an honorary member of the Mackay Art Society which also helped him exhibit his paintings in Australia. In 1983, he became a full member of the association.
Today, John Smith lives in the tropical North Queensland where he is surrounded by plants and different animal species. This place is an unlimited source of motifs for his paintings.
John Smith died on 29 January 2007.