Minami Eiichi

Minami Eiichi


日本 口畫家







Eiichi Minami was 17 years old and in third grade of High School when he suffered an accident in a judo competition in the Prefecture of Nagano in 1972. His spinal column was injured and his limbs remained completely paralysed. Eiichi Minami spent three years in hospital, and with rehabilitation therapy he managed to move his arms slightly.


For all the daily tasks, however, he requires help. Eiichi Minami was fond of painting even before his accident. For this reason he took a brush into his mouth after being released from hospital and started to paint this way.


His first attempts were with water colours, later he took up oil painting. Eiichi Minami mainly paints still lifes. At the same time, he would like to paint the cheerful and hopeful scenes of young people and animals from all over the world.


In 1982, he was granted a stipend by the association. Ten years later he was accepted as an associated member. In the course of the years, he has achieved great success with his work. One of his achievements is the fact that his painting "Rainbow over a Hill" was chosen as the motif for the stamp edition "Peace 2000" by the Principality of Liechtenstein.