哥倫比亞 口畫家
他在1953年出生,正修習建築時遭逢意外而四肢癱瘓。他閱歷許多藝術作品,最嚮往梵谷和高更,其畫作充滿了色彩和個人風格,偏向圖像化創作,他在「Painting of the master Labrada」學院修習。
He was born in Cali, Valle, in the year 1953. When he studied Architecture he suffered an accident that left him quadriplegic. He reads a lot about art, is an admirer of Van Gogh and Gauguin; Paints very graphic works, full of color and very personal style. It studied in the Academy of Painting of the master Labrada.
In addition to being a distinguished lecturer on topics of improvement, Carlos has exhibited his works in different art galleries and participated in the First Congress of Paintings for the Handicapped in the Foundation for Education. He has also been interviewed in different media. He is the first Colombian painter to enter the Association of Painters with the Mouth and Foot of Colombia in 1985.
He has received numerous awards, such as the "Star of Hope" award in 1994, and the Mayor of Cali awarded him the "Heart without Limits" award, in honor of the courage to overcome his limitations and for being an example of life for the the rest.