波蘭 口畫家
Jan Sporek 1972年出生,受到肌肉萎縮症所苦。他已經有很長時間以口作畫,偏好油畫。對於電影、音樂和超自然現象有興趣。目前和母親及兄弟同住。
Jan Sporek was born in 1972 in Rajcza. He suffers from muscular dystrophy, a progressive wasting of the muscles. He has been painting with his mouth for several years. His favourite technique is oils. He is interested in films, music and supernatural phenomena. He lives in Glinka, near Rajcza, with his mother and brother. He paints with his mouth.
He has been cooperating with the ‘Amun’ Publishing House since 1999. The first time I ever heard about painting with your mouth was when I was reading a book about Joni.
At the time I was still able enough not to consider the fact I might also be able to paint like that one day. But it’s impossible to plan for everything to be the way we want, it’s impossible to foresee everything in life.
And thank goodness for that. If were possible, life would lose all its charm. I first put a paintbrush in my mouth in 1996.
Now, my favourite technique is oils. I value peace and quiet, I like reading books. One thing’s certain, without painting, my illness would have condemned me to vegetate. What I try to include in my paintings is what’s worth expressing about normal life, and is therefore beautiful.
The only way I can make an impression on many people’s memory is through my paintings. To some extent, that’s a symbol of my life. I hope that my best painting is still to come. It will most certainly be dedicated to my dad, who never saw the fruits of my creativity.